Transform Your Day: A Beginner's Guide to Time Audits

A time audit is a process where you track and analyze how you spend your time over a certain period. The goal is to identify areas where you can improve productivity and efficiency by understanding how your time is allocated.

To perform a time audit, you typically:

  1. Record your activities: Write down everything you do in a day, including how much time you spend on each activity.

  2. Categorize activities: Group similar tasks together to see how much time you spend on different types of activities (e.g., work, leisure, chores).

  3. Analyze the data: Look for patterns and identify areas where you might be wasting time or could be more efficient.

  4. Make adjustments: Based on your analysis, make changes to your schedule or habits to better align your time with your goals and priorities.

Time Audit Example

Work From Home Day

5:55 AM - Alarm goes off

6:00 AM - 6:25 AM

  • Brush teeth

  • Wash face

  • Do skincare

  • Give dogs dental treats

  • Make coffee

6:25 - 6:35 AM

  • Drink coffee

  • Meditate/ journal - whichever is most needed

6:35 - 7:45 AM

  • Do business related tasks for the day (I typically write these out the night before)

  • Drafting podcast episode

7:45 - 8:00 AM

  • Feed dogs

  • Get dressed for the day

  • Start dishwasher

  • Sweep

  • Collect recycling/ trash

8:00 - 8:45 AM

  • Quality time with dogs - walk and ball time

8:45 - 9:00 AM

  • Prepare Breakfast

  • Give dogs treat balls/ some other form of distractoin

  • Water plants

9:00 - 10:00 - Start 9-5 job

  • Prepare task list for day

  • Time block around meetings

  • Respond to urgent emails

10:00 - 12:00 PM

  • Attend morning meetings

  • Work on task list

12:00 - 12:15 PM

  • Have lunch

12:15 - 3:15 PM

  • Shift focus to project list and continue working on time blocks

  • Review email

  • Begin to prepare win list for the day - a list of all the things I accomplished! Celebrate all the wins!

3:15 - 4:45 PM

  • Begin winding down at work

  • Wrap up any to dos that can be done within an hour time frame

  • Move any tasks that were not completed to the top of the list for tomorrow

4:45 - 5:00

  • Send end of day email to manager, or have end of day meeting with manager

5:00 - 6:30

  • Prepare doggy dinner

  • Go on long dog walk (typically 3-4 miles)

  • Have dinner

  • Clean kitchen

  • Put away dishes from this morning

6:30 - 9:00 | Switch back to Business

  • Work on tasks lists that wasn’t completed from this morning

  • Review what needs to be done for tomorrow

9:00 - 10:30 PM | Wind Down - no more screens

  • Close laptop

  • Take shower

  • Do skincare

  • Read business book or a fun one


Work: 8 hours

  • Business: 2.6 hours

  • Meals: 1.1 hours

  • Leisure: 1.5 hours

  • Chores: 45 minutes

  • Personal time (morning routine, reading): 1 hour


  • Dog time has to be concentrated before and after work.

  • Leisure time is well-balanced, but there might be opportunities to reduce social media usage.

  • Chores are managed efficiently, but additional time could be allocated to more productive activities.


  • Consider doing more chores throughout the day during 25 minute intervals, using the pomodoro technique.

  • Limit social media usage to 1 hour and use the extra time for personal development or exercise.

  • Maintain a consistent schedule to ensure a balance between work, personal business and leisure.


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